WATCH : HOW TO MAKE Puto bukayo (bocayo)

In Bicol, puto is made with bukayo. The soft and squishy rice cake is shaped into a ball and filled with sweet and crunchy coconut that's been cooked in brown sugar.


2 cups rice
1½ cups water
1½ cups white sugar
½ tsp salt
3 tbsp baking powder
Bukayong pino


In a bowl, soak rice in water at least overnight and cover. Grind rice to a consistency of thick batter. Add sugar, salt and baking powder. Stir amd combine well.

Prepare your molds. Then, slowly pour batter into molds, about 1/3 only. Add the bukayo filling (1 tablespoon) then cover top with additional batter.

Arrange in steamer and steam 30 minutes or if toothpick inserted in center of puto comes out dry. Semi wrap each with banana leaves.

Serve hot and enjoy!
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